What We Do


The West Point Jewish Chapel Fund supports the U.S. Military Academy mission to produce leaders of character, focusing on our Jewish leaders of tomorrow and the roles they will play during their service to our country and throughout their lives.

The Fund supports Jewish cadets and programs, contributes to the beauty of the Chapel for the benefit of cadets and the public, and supports and engages with the Army Jewish community. A full-time Jewish military chaplain at West Point runs an extensive Jewish program for cadets, staff, and faculty. All are provided at no cost to cadets, and many of these activities are supported financially by the West Point Jewish Chapel Fund.

Activities include the following:

  • Weekly Friday night Shabbat services led by the chaplain and the cadets followed by an extensive kosher Oneg Shabbat meal.
  • Weekly Torah study lunch in the cadet area led by the chaplain, cadets, or members of the faculty.
  • High Holiday services held in the Jewish Chapel.
  • Multiple Passover seders, with one led completely by the cadets themselves; kosher for Passover foods available throughout the holiday period.
  • Special holiday observances of Purim, Hanukkah, and Simchat Torah.
  • Services held in the field during summer training.
  • Participation in the Jewish Cadet Choir that performs at synagogues and Hillels throughout the United States.
  • Jewish Warrior Weekend held twice per year at locations around the country with Jewish students from other military academies and colleges with military programs.
  • An offsite, weekend Plebe Retreat for all interested new cadets after completing their first summer.
  • Gatherings in support of Plebe Parents’ Weekend as well as Cadet Parents’ Weekend.
  • Lay leader training for cadets conducted by the chaplain, Jewish Welfare Board, and/or the Aleph Institute.